Parents around the world have different styles of raising their children, some may be strict and others may be lenient. A number of teenagers are allowed to live by themselves, far away from home, whilst others are under close supervision of their parents. In my opinion, I think kids should not be permitted to live independently and I will give reasons to support my position in
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, teenagers can be carefree, irresponsible and with little or no experience about life, they make wrong decisions. Allowing an adolescent to be completely self-reliant is a disaster waiting to happen. Linking Words
For instance
, teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise due to children who lack parental guidance. Linking Words
, some exceptions may be allowed when teenagers live independently in boarding schools under the supervision of teachers and mentors.
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, studies have shown that teenagers who lived with their parents until their early twenties turn out to make better life choices than those who lived alone from the age of thirteen upwards. Linking Words
For example
, adolescents who stay with their parents do not concern themselves with accommodation or their Linking Words
meal which poses as a distraction to their academic lives. Whereas, those who live alone are plagued by these concerns. Linking Words
shows that parental guidance is important in shaping the life of a young adult.
In conclusion, teenagers should be allowed to remain under close supervision of their parents in order to help them become responsible adults in the future. Even though some parents tolerate their wards to be self-reliant with the purpose of making them mature quickly, it does come with a lot or risks. Parents should be fully present in parenting their children until they are old enough to live responsibly.Linking Words