In some countries younger people are increasingly losing interest in teaching. Why is this happening? What can be done to improve the situation? Give reasons for your answers and include examples from your own experience.

contemporary era, it is argued that teaching
are not being chosen by the younger generations nowadays. I believe
is happening because most of them have started studying professional
and opting for high-paying
rather than teaching. In order to improve the diversity in the job market, the government should introduce some additional policies to attract youngsters.
To begin
with, the primary reason behind
notion is because of their desire to live a wealthy lifestyle in society.
is because of the constant pressure to buy new items that bring instant gratification for which they need more money. Since the salary for these professionals is less, students have become aware of their future needs and choosing other streams for lucrative career options.
For example
, A recent survey conducted by the private sector shows data about the increased number of professionals in the IT industry for the
, it is evident that people are not merely attached to their satisfaction in
the high takeaway. The best solution to curb
issue to improve the situation is, by introducing some additional policies for them to thrive. The reason behind
is that not everyone is choosing professional
like Medicine and Engineering, there are other middle-class aspirants who don't even have the background to finish college.
, If the regime announces policies like extra stipends or scholarships to the students who are willing to take these
, we can assure you that there will be a substantial increase in admissions in
For instance
, a New scheme announced by The Kerala Government for young women students who completed their higher secondary to join the art and crafts
increased the
Correct word choice
show examples
number of admissions.
, serious actions and corrective measures can be imposed to tackle
issue smartly. In conclusion, it may be true that younger generations are losing their interest in choosing the teaching profession because of other attractive high-paid
, but
can be addressed by encouraging the interested people to thrive in
by announcing extra benefits and by
, the situation can be alleviated successfully.
Submitted by chandralekha1993 on

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task achievement
Enhance your introduction by clearly stating your main points. Though you provided a good general overview, specifying the arguments you will present can make your introduction stronger.
coherence cohesion
Ensure each paragraph focuses on a single main idea and use topic sentences to clearly present this main idea at the beginning of each paragraph.
coherence cohesion
Work on the flow between sentences and paragraphs. Using more transitional words and phrases can help improve the logical progression of your ideas, creating smoother transitions.
task achievement
You addressed both parts of the task effectively, providing reasons and potential solutions to the issue of young people losing interest in teaching.
task achievement
The main points are well supported by relevant examples, making your arguments more convincing.
coherence cohesion
Your essay has a clear and logical structure, with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • demanding workload
  • financial incentives
  • prestigious career
  • career advancement
  • educational system
  • outdated curricula
  • negative portrayals
  • public perception
  • stressful profession
  • financial rewards
  • social status
  • job dissatisfaction
  • early career change
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