Games and sports are a part of our life. Football is known as the universal sport.Recently, the football hooliganism has increased significantly.
essay elucidates the reasons and the manoeuvres to resolve it.
To embark on, the primary reason for football vandalism among fans is the bond with their team playing for their country or club. Linking Words
For instance
, a sports match between India and Pakistan will always create a stir among the supporters which will lead to violence. Linking Words
, people involve in wagering on their favourite team or players. Because of Linking Words
, not only money is lost, but Linking Words
paves a way for brutality.As a consequence, the common people and the game lovers are impacted.
Despite, considering the diverse angles of Linking Words
phenomenon, we can combat these issues by implementing effective measures. Cognisance should be created about the repercussion of violence. The damage made to the properties and spectators should be conveyed by the media and the players. Linking Words
In addition
to Linking Words
, government should enact strict laws against it. If anyone doesn't abide by the law, Linking Words
they should be imprisoned. Do you think these acts alleviate violence? Certainly, a grave issue like brutal behaviour can be tackled by implementing these solutions.Linking Words
For example
, betting in cricket had created many mob wars. Linking Words
, it was mitigated drastically by imposing stringent rules of the government.
In conclusion, even though there are multifarious factors which attributes to football hooliganism like team bonding and wagering. It can be solved by stern legal actions and awareness.Linking Words