Some people think that schools should prioritize teaching students’ practical skills for the workplace, while others believe that schools should focus on academic subjects such as science and math. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Nowadays, people are more into learning for work rather than going for the traditional method of learning. Many believe that children's education should focus more on practical
than learning math and science as a subject. In
essay, I will discuss both sides and conclude why modernizing education will be better. On the one hand, Traditional methods of learning have a long history of tried and tested results.
, Academic helps in the
development of the child. If we consider providing practical
, it might be different for different people.
For example
, in a class, 30 children want to take 30 different professions. It will be hard for schools to provide the required practical
for everyone.
On the other hand
, Some common practical
like Personal Finance, Investing and Self-defence are
that are important for everyone. If we incorporate those things with academic subjects
those will be helpful for kid's entire
, we never use all the subjects in day-to-day
that we learned
we were in school. To give an example, personally, I never used trigonometric functions in real
, At an early age, kids grasp very easily. Providing the right practical
will help them for their entire lives.
To conclude
, even though the traditional method of learning is important, the inclusion of practical
will make students better prepared for
. So, I would suggest learning them from childhood will be a good foundation step for children
along with
academic subjects like Maths and Science
Submitted by prarthana181k on

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task achievement
Strengthen the support for your main points with more detailed examples and explanations. For instance, when discussing how practical skills can benefit students, you could provide more specific instances or studies that support this claim.
coherence cohesion
Maintain a more consistent logical flow within paragraphs. Ensure that sentences connect smoothly to one another and that the progression of ideas is clear.
task achievement
The essay effectively presents both sides of the argument and provides a clear opinion in the conclusion.
coherence cohesion
The introduction sets the stage well for the discussion, and the conclusion nicely ties together the main points.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • practical skills
  • academic subjects
  • workplace readiness
  • employability
  • real-world application
  • fundamental knowledge
  • critical thinking
  • problem-solving
  • analytical skills
  • versatile
  • adaptable
  • specialized tracks
  • career aspirations
  • curriculum
  • balanced education
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