Communication is a vital process in human interaction and social involvement. While some people believe that physical appearance is more significant than a written approach, others are of a contrary opinion. Personally, I partly agree because both communication methods are prowess in their different uses.
essay will expatiate my reasons in the following paragraphs.
Foremost, exchanging messages physically is more useful during an interactive session. Linking Words
For example
, in classrooms, conferences, functions and other social gatherings. Linking Words
As a result
, immediate feedback and prompt attention are guaranteed. More so, personal contact is important in order to detect deception. Linking Words
For instance
, If a child is being deceived by his mother, it is easily detectable through her facial expressions. Linking Words
, a plethora of individuals finds it flexible to express themselves better in the presence of their audience; Linking Words
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might be challenging for an introverted personality and could lead to information gap.
Linking Words
, written transmission has its own beneficial advantages. Linking Words
of all, it is a veritable means of documentation. Linking Words
For example
, job offer letters, certificate and promotion letters. Linking Words
, even if superfluous time is invested in writing a piece, the fact that it could be stored and secured for future references, is a plus impact. Linking Words
, Linking Words
written documents are useful in theoretical circumstances, Linking Words
as during exams and report writing; Linking Words
, they are less powerful in situations like project defence and laboratory experiments.
In conclusion, all types of information transfer means play a significant role in human existence. While the written one is assumed to be more essential by some people, others believe that person to person speech is the most powerful. I believe both are significant in terms of their varying usefulness which include the interactive ability in face to face conversation and documentation advantage in writing down discourse.Linking Words