Some people say that protecting the environment is the government’s responsibility. Other believe that every individual should be responsible for it. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

In a modern society, environmental care has become the centre of global debates. Some people think that only government is responsible for protecting the atmosphere, while others opine that every human being must be liable for it. In my belief, the former assertion proves to be more reliable. On the one hand, government plays an important role in taking care of the atmosphere. Particularly, the largest amount of pollution is normally created by big enterprises and factories and only governments have the power or ability to restrict or force them to control pollutions in a reasonable measurement. To illustrate, there should be some laws encouraging factories to move to the countryside rather than staying in
the cities
could help urban areas to be
protected from the poisonous fumes, which factories frequently discharge into the atmosphere.
On the other hand
, it is undoubtedly true that the individuals' impact on the environments should not be neglected because our behaviours seriously impact on surrounding.
For instance
, a huge number of households in rural areas have to use unprocessed water from lakes and seas. These sources are,
, severely polluted because of the increasing amount of waste caused by people.
, in turn, negatively affects the health of themselves and other people.
, by understanding the importance of behaviours, people would be able to protect the environment. In conclusion, from my personal point of view, it is the government duty to improve or protect our living environment.
, in order to protect the environment, governments should introduce tough regulations on factories with a limit on waste allowance
train more people working
public services to collect trash and build more centres to process trash from households.

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