Human activity has had a negative impact on plants and animals around the world. Some people say that it is too late to do something while others think that actions can be taken to improve the situation. Discuss both sides of the view and give your opinion.

With the increase in human population, its actions have had detrimental effects on the animals’ and
species. While some people believe that the damage to the ecosystem cannot be undone, others argue that it is still not too late for corrective measures. In my opinion, national governments still have some chance to rescue the deteriorating ecological system by limiting illegal human activities and learning the concept of coexistence. On the one hand, many assert that humans have done an irreversible damage to the entire ecosystem. The deforestation has permanently taken away the natural habitat of many species which has put the existence of the entire ecological community in jeopardy.
For instance
, a recent report generated by NATGEO currently has suggested that nearly two thousand endangered species of plants and animals went extinct in the Amazon rainforest
as a result
of deforestation in the
, humans have no way to bring back that has been lost.
On the other hand
, many believe that we still have time for corrective actions, and I agree the ecosystem is still capable of recovering itself if human beings control their activities.
, national governments should play a key role in preserving the natural habitats of endangered wildlife.
could be initiated by banning animal hunting for trade benefits
as killings of elephants for ivory.
For instance
, the kingdom of Saudi Arabia has recently declared a jungle as the Desert Wildlife Sanctuary in which human interference is strictly prohibited.
, humans should learn to live in harmony with wildlife.
For example
, if people cut trees for energy requirement, they should
plant trees at the same time to give a chance to the nature to recover
the thing named or in question
. In conclusion, some strict rules and regulations are required and to obey them to improve the quality of life for every creature of
earth. We still have a chance to minimize the negative impact of human activities on plants and animals.
Submitted by lindsayguo872 on

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