Some people prefer to live in a house, while others feel that there are more advantages to living in an apartment. Are there more advantages than disadvantages of living in a house compared with living in an apartment?

The number of people who are reluctant to go to the shopping
an area that is approximately central within some larger region
have gone up in the
decades with the development of technology. Especially, people who
have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
busy work schedules prefer to purchase products on the Internet.
takes the initiative to develop online shopping. That's why,
offers a vital advantage.
, it has an obvious drawback which should be taken into account. A remarkable advantage of
is that it provides consumers to access a lot of stores in seconds. Some people cannot allocate time to buy products at malls.
For instance
, if women have a child who should be taken care, mothers cannot go to the shopping centres due to their responsibilities. Another example, some students cannot go to the shopping
centres because
of the fact that their parents do not allow that they go to the malls all alone. That's why, they prefer to use the Internet
of wasting time at shopping centres.
In addition
, when we go to the malls, we can look for limited stores and brands at malls.
, if we prefer
, we can access a great amount of markets thanks to the websites.
, we may be tired by visiting stores at malls. Yet, we can reach
whenever we want.
On the other hand
, when it comes to the drawback of
, it is well-known fact that information technology security-issues are threatened by cyber criminals.
For instance
, consumers may undergo cyber bullying by threatening with their credit card information.
, their credit cards may be used by cyber criminals without their permission. People who cannot use the Internet efficiently may have difficulty in finding secure websites.
, consumers have no chance to try clothes which are purchased. In the result of buying without trial, clothes may do not fit on consumers. To conclude, using the online opportunities in order to purchase products is attributed to remarkable advantages and disadvantages. Consumers tend to pick
an e - commerce
because of the fact that it offers thousands of stores. Yet,
may pose the treat to the private information of consumers.
Submitted by wolfianhunter on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • privacy
  • outdoor activities
  • gardening
  • customization options
  • renovate
  • structural changes
  • investments
  • appreciation/depreciation
  • maintenance costs
  • utility costs
  • security features
  • gated entries
  • surveillance systems
  • shared amenities
  • community centers
  • suburban
  • rural areas
  • commutes
  • urban centers
  • public transport
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