Many criminals commit further crime as soon as they are released from prison. What do you think are the causes of this? What possible solutions can you suggest?

Crime is like cancer in the modern days. It has been observed that most of criminals again indulge in unlawful acts after getting out of prison. I think that it could be because of both self-desire and difficulties to adjust to normal life. To reduce
trend, both the government and individuals need to step in. Unemployment is one of the major causes of the issue. Most of the employers refuse to give a job to anyone with a criminal record.
, they face great difficulties to earn livelihood like other people.
On the other hand
, they find it easier to earn money by performing offensive acts, reuniting with the criminal groups etc. A recent survey shows around 30% of the hijackings were done by criminals who had already served their time in jail in the past. To resolve
, the government should create job opportunities for them, once they have served their terms. The administration should
set up effective rehabilitation programmes while they are in jail. The sessions with the psychologist can be set up once or twice a week, which will help them in dealing with the negative and violent thoughts.
For example
, Norway's women's prison has done
exercise since 2015 and they are starting to see the results.
In addition
, on the individual level, we should try to be more supportive of them. When they try to start a new life with no unlawful act, if we just can be normal and a bit ignorant about their previous activities at work,
we can see a lot of differences. To conclude, unemployment is one of the major reasons for the offenders to trace back to their previous path. Both the government and individuals should try to create a supportive environment to help them live a crime free life.

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