There was limited understanding of the phenomenon of
. The role of friends and the potential influences of friends on the behaviour of children, had been under researched in the field of psychology. Brian Bigelow and John La
Gaipaa constitutional monarchy occupying the Japanese Archipelago; a world leader in electronics and automobile manufacture and ship building
in 1975, conducted
on the changes in the way children perceive and define
throughout the different stages of development.
essay will evaluate the usefulness of these findings and the influence the
had on understanding children’s friendships.
To understand and define the term
is very difficult because
is subjective and means different things to different people.
dependent on what stage people are in life. The role of
and influence of peers changes with age. Parents and carers are replaced by peers as the main source of support as children get older.
) Bigelow and La
wanted to explore how children defined
at different stages.
Bigelow and La
) used content analysis to conduct the study of children’s
. Children between the ages of six and fourteen, were asked to write an essay on the expectations of their best friend of the same sex, and how
expectation differed from other friends and acquaintances. A total of 480 essays was collected from 8 schools based in Canada, 30 boys and 30 girls were selected from each.
method had limitations as it was more suited to older children who had the capability to express their emotions and expectations in writing. Bigelow and La
limitation, and even stated that younger children, may lack the verbal and written skills to effectively discuss expectations in an essay format.
pgone side of one leaf (of a book or magazine or newspaper or letter etc.) or the written or pictorial matter it contains
To measure the results Bigelow and La
created a list of pre-determined expectations, which they compared to the essays. The expectations were split into 21 categories, each particular expectation mentioned that matched the pre-determined criteria were counted.
essentially turned qualitative data into quantitative data. Bigelow and La
could use the frequency count to look for trending patterns in the data and compare results between younger and older children, including a comparison between the sexes. It was proposed that the findings from the study could be considered in terms of a three-stage model (
demonstrated the understanding that as children grow older,
expectations become more complex.
Subordinating characteristics of
to a pre-determined coding did cause limitations. The focus is on what the researchers wanted to find.
removed individual expectations of
traits that children suggested and removed validity of the study.
is because it was possible, that expectations other than those listed could have been overlooked with the use of content analysis.
, it was recognised that
methodology was a quick way to analyse large amounts of information,
removing ethical problems associated with researching children.
). A numerical summary enabled them to draw on difference between the age groups very efficiently, as analysing individual opinions would have been time-consuming.
In conclusion, Bigelow and La
was important for our understanding of friendships for multiple reasons.
was one of the
studies of children’s
and placed the concept of children’s
on the
agenda. It
provided interesting findings on the nature of friendships and how expectations developed in different stages of children’s lives. It introduced an interesting
method for studying relationships, using written accounts and descriptions as data.
, as explained there is a difficulty in defining
and differences may exist between young children, adolescents and adults which could not be captured in the method used.