A museum near your home is looking for people to do part-time voluntary/unpaid work. You would like to do some voluntarylunpaid work at the museum. Write a letter to the museum director to apply for the voluntarylunpaid work, in your letter explain why you want to do voluntarylunpaid work at the museum describe some skills and qualities you have that would be useful give details of when you would be available for work

Dear Sir or Madam, I am Neha Wong, writing in response to the job posting in the Toronto District Newspaper
weekend. I believe my background and abilities make me a strong candidate for
let me introduce myself. I am a senior history student at the University of Toronto with two relevant co-op experiences. My first
was as a volunteer history class tutor at a local public elementary school. I demonstrated a strong commitment to helping students improve their grades and developed effective teaching methods. My second
was as a librarian, where I was responsible for organizing information and materials
according to
timelines. With my solid academic background and relevant work
, I believe I am well-suited for
job. I am particularly interested in volunteering at
museum because of its renowned collection of historical
Change the spelling
show examples
and its dedication to community education. The museum’s commitment to preserving and presenting local history aligns perfectly with my academic interests and career aspirations.
, I live at 1030 Adelaide Street, just a 10-minute walk from the museum.
proximity ensures that I can quickly and reliably arrive at work and be available on short notice if needed.
, I am eager to take on
position to enhance my extracurricular record in my final year of college. I believe
will be a valuable highlight on my resume. Thank you for your consideration. My resume and cover letter are attached for your review. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Neha Wong
Submitted by cyh000823 on

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task achievement
You've done a great job responding completely to the task, detailing why you want to work at the museum, your relevant skills, and your availability. Consider adding a brief conclusion in which you thank the director again and express eager anticipation for a response, to make your letter even more engaging.
coherence cohesion
Ensure that each paragraph focuses on a single idea for added clarity. Currently, the paragraphs are well-constructed but could be more clearly delineated based on specific points about skills, reasons for interest, and logistics.
task achievement
The letter has a suitable and professional writing tone, which makes it highly effective.
coherence cohesion
Your logical structure is excellent, making it easy for the reader to follow your points.
coherence cohesion
Greeting and closing are well-executed and appropriate for the context.

Word Count

IELTS says that you should write a minimum of 150 words in writing task 1. If you go under word count you will lose marks in task response.

A very long letter will not give you a higher band score.

Aim for between 160 to 190 words in writing task 1. This will ensure a concise letter and will be realistic in terms of time management. You have only 20 minutes to write the letter and you need around 5 minutes of planning time, so you will not be able to write a long letter in 15 minutes.

Discover more tips in The Ultimate Guide to Get a Target Band Score of 7+ »— a book that's free for 🚀 Premium users.

Topic Vocabulary:
  • part-time
  • voluntary/unpaid work
  • museum
  • apply
  • director
  • skills
  • qualities
  • availability
  • interest
  • opportunity
  • passion
  • contribution
  • community
  • exhibit
  • knowledge
  • communication
  • organizational
  • time management
  • flexible
  • dedicated
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