Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programme (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Education plays a very important role in the lives of people. Some people are of the opinion that unpaid
services should be made compulsory for
students. In my opinion, the advantages of adding unpaid society assistance to the institute curriculum outweigh the drawbacks, if any. Children have very impressionable minds and institute programs should be designed in
a way that they will ensure the overall development of the child. Dignity of labour is an essential topic
that is
covered in the
curriculum, but it is better understood when children actually engage in various forms of labour.
For example
, when students are made to do
like cleaning up a park every Friday, it instills in them respect for the person doing that job and
a greater awareness that littering is a bad habit. Some people will argue that a child should not be put through these kinds of experiences as they should be made to aspire for greater things in life by working really hard in
, they should spend more time studying. I believe if the importance of serving the society is instilled in the children from a very early age, they will grow up to become a much more socially aware and socially responsible person.
For example
, in the Japanese education system, special emphasis is given to
, though many people do not understand why it is necessary.
, the purpose of
became clear during the recently concluded football World Cup in Russia.
the Japanese team lost the semifinal match they won the hearts of many people with the assistance they provided by cleaning up the stands of a foreign country. In conclusion, the advantages of mandatory
outweigh any disadvantages associated with it. After studying the pros and cons, I am convinced that
helps the overall development of the child and
the nation.
Submitted by tejveerbamrah60 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • altruism
  • social responsibility
  • cultivate
  • mandatory
  • detract
  • academic pursuits
  • forced labor
  • ineffective efforts
  • voluntary participation
  • autonomy
  • impactful engagement
  • bridge social divides
  • fostering understanding
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