With the change in communication pattern, social media has become the most popular medium of contacting each other, where people get the chance to educate themselves with latest news and upcoming events happening all around the globe. In
essay I intend to discuss the benefits and drawbacks of not using traditional contacting methods, Linking Words
in contrast
with, how these advantages outstrip disadvantages as per my opinion.
Linking Words
, to have access Linking Words
social networking sites one needs to have internet connection, which can be availed freely from office or roadside restaurants that offers WiFi zone. Suggestion
, individuals these days spent little or no amount of money to make phone calls, rather they make voice calls using apps Linking Words
as Facebook Messenger, Viber etc. Linking Words
In addition
, networking sites publish prompt and authentic Linking Words
news which
Accept comma addition
news, which
are not broadcast
on television due to boundaries set by government. Suggestion
is not broadcast
For example
, New Zealand, Christchurch, was an incident where “Facebook Live” was used by the shooter as a medium of depicting the massacre because many believe that news channel will not supply the original videos to its audience due to its limitations.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, there are few cons associated with social networking that influences indigenous communication skills and makes a person introvert. Since, a person spends most of the awakening Linking Words
over texting using mélange of messenger apps, it Suggestion
them to have any physical confrontation as well as binds the level of out-spoken Suggestion
. manner of acting or controlling yourself
, the media reacts spontaneously to the events more than other mediums, it Linking Words
manipulates the news sometimes because Linking Words
any one
from the audience can be the publisher of the articles.
In conclusion, to recapitulate, despite few of these drawbacks, the pros of having networking option any person
a blessing to mankind and to many people who would like to share their own story with public but too afraid to do it in person. Suggestion
As a result
, appreciation for social media are greater in the whole picture.Linking Words