You are due to start a new job next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems. Write a letter to your new employer. In your letter: explain your situation describe your problems tell him/her when you think you can start

Dear Sir, My name is Nischay Dhiman, and I was recently hired for the role of senior software developer in your company. I am writing to inform you that I will not be able to join
week due to some unavoidable circumstances as
Correct pronoun usage
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my joining date was 13th March and my flight tickets got cancelled due to weather conditions in Delhi.
, I would like to mention that, I am highly obliged that your company has given me an opportunity to work in Germany.
Saturday, I received an email from the airlines, mentioning the cancellation of all the flights to Germany till
month. Even though
Remove the comma
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I tried to contact them in person as well as on their customer support, I have not gotten any reply.
, I did try to book the flights on the other airlines as well, but, each airline from Delhi has been either delayed or on hold for a month. I am totally stuck in
situation and
I am not able to join on the designated date.
Remove the comma
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according to the news, there is a chance that weather conditions are going to get better in a week, So I believe, I would be able to reach Germany on the 1st of January, along with all of my luggage. I am extremely sorry for the
Fix the agreement mistake
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caused. Yours faithfully, Nischay Dhiman

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Use a variety of complex and simple sentences

You should use complex sentences in your writing, but it does not mean that you should try to make all of our sentences complex.

‘Complex’ sentences are not actually very complex; they are just two or more simple sentences put together. Putting them together makes the essay more coherent and cohesive.


I really want to study but I’m too tired.

I wore a warm coat because the weather was cold.

If action is not taken soon on climate change, global warming will get worse.

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