Universities should accept numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

A University is a place where one goes seeking a higher level of education, in order to obtain a wide range of knowledge.
, it is my belief that
an opportunity to expand one’s mind should be open to both genders.
, women have proven in the past that they can do any sort of job as well as men. So, I see no reason to obstruct their entry to an institution that will help them achieve their pretended job in the future.
, since men represent most of the work force, it
makes no sense to deny them a college access.
For example
, women are usually better overall students, especially in subjects that require a lot of writing and reading. On the opposite side, men tend to excel in fields related to physics or mathematics.
In addition
, future generations should end job stereotypes. Which is why, in my opinion, there is no reason that in a modern world like the one we live in today, people should not just seek to do what makes them happy.
For instance
, a lot of women choose on becoming a nurse, and in most Universities, there are four times more female nursing students than male ones. I think, the reason that there are not more male nurses is because, some still feel that nursing is still a more suitable career for a woman, and a man should be a doctor
. To conclude, there is no logic, in my point of view, for Universities deny an access based simply on a person’s gender. Because, not only it seems like discrimination, they could possibly be denied the entry to a future great professional in that particular field.
, the entry requirements should only be based on a student’s intelligence, grades, and overall capability, and not its gender.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • gender diversity
  • fostering innovation
  • educational experience
  • enforcing gender quotas
  • merit and potential
  • individual achievements
  • natural differences
  • gender equality
  • reducing gender stereotypes
  • balanced workforce
  • traditionally male-dominated or female-dominated fields
  • fluctuating applicant numbers
  • compromise on quality
  • diversity aspects
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