Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extend do you agree or disagree? What other measures do you think might be effective?

Nowadays, there are billions of vehicles in the streets. As most of them run by petrol, air and environment are being polluted.
, these large numbers of cars makes long and long traffic jams.
, in order to solve
problem, people say that, the price of petrol should be increased. But I completely disagree with
solution. So, now I will try to show why I have a disagreement and I will give some other suggestions for those problems.
, if the amount of money of petrol is increased, drivers use other type of fuel which is cheaper. Because, in both expensive and cheap fuels cars appropriately run.
For example
, today, we can find many other sources of energy, like gas or diesel, which a lot of people using in the world. They are
harmful to the planet, albeit cheaper. So, according to
reason, we can notice that any of these 2 problems can turn into a positive way.
, for helping the polluted ecology, world have to pay attention to increase the number of companies that produce electronic vehicles. Because, these cars are eco-friendly, it means that they don’t have any drawbacks for the Earth. Another solution for reducing traffic problems is allowing population to use public transport,
as buses, trams or underground.
As a result
, on the roads, will be fewer private transport which is now making traffic jams. In conclusion, the given reason for solving these problems is completely useless. Because, as I mentioned, the price does not play any role in changing the process.
, other solutions which I have given are more effective rather than
Submitted by sanaevanvar559 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Discourage
  • Incentivize
  • Alternative energy
  • Public transportation
  • Lower-income
  • Carpool
  • Ride-sharing
  • Congestion
  • Urban planning
  • Pedestrian-friendly
  • Tax incentives
  • Electric and hybrid vehicles
  • Emissions standards
  • Cleaner vehicles
  • Congestion charges
  • Bicycle lanes
  • Sustainable
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