It is often said that governments spend too much money on projects to protect wildlife while there are other problems that are more important.Do you agree or disagree?

Budget utilization by countries requires careful decisions.
it is commonly stated that states utilized behemoth lot of wage to ensure the safety of wildlife other sectors are more crucial to look after. I partially agree with the statement, and in my opinion, governments should spend less number of salary on wild animal protections and more on other sectors
as health and education. Admittedly, there ought to be some basic tone of utilization of the bill for the survival and betterment of wildlife. Wild animal habitat protection and maintenance is beneficial, in terms of the flourishing of tourism. Which in turn means, the economic growth of a provincial, as tourist influx can lead significantly to more revenue generation.
For example
, the economic organization of Indonesia has revealed a report that, the homey has gained a 5 % increase in revenue, with the greatest wild living manifestation the agrarian possesses.
, allocating a little supply of cost is advantageous up to some extent for a bucolic.
, the government should consider and utilize the major extent of cash on other critical areas
as education and health.
, spending enormous measure of finance on learning zone is vitally important, as more literate number of people means the prosperity of a society. Which in turn means, high employment and working for the development of a rustic.
, health part ought to be taken into consideration highly while utilizing wealth.
is because
area faces certain problems
as lack of proper medical equipment and different medicines, especially in underdeveloped countries. In Pakistan,
for instance
, the government is allocating 33% of the budget of the medical district, owing to the rising problems in it.
, pay should be spent in areas which are more vital by the state. In conclusion, people believe that countries spend more on unimportant zone like wildlife and other crucial areas are there which should not be neglected. In my view, states ought to allocate a minor volume of wild living part and a significant chunk of other essential areas like medicine and education.
Submitted by marzish14 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • biodiversity
  • ecological balance
  • safeguard
  • natural habitats
  • foster
  • cultural of conservation
  • long-term ecological sustainability
  • economic benefits
  • significant source of revenue
  • investment
  • nation’s economic wealth
  • preservation of ecosystems
  • clean water and air
  • prioritization
  • multi-faceted government budgets
  • environmental protection
  • wildlife conservation
  • neglecting
  • detrimental effects
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