Staying in a nation where the human does not understand the provincial's mother tongue can result in various kinds of issues,
as, disruption of their social activity and daily practical works. In my opinion, I completely agree because it causes misunderstanding with the local people and poor social growth.
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, expats would encounter issues like interpreting the sign or verbal language on a daily basis, if a man is not fully familiar with the local knowledge. It can Linking Words
result in locals getting offended because of the different signs or the gesture means differently in a lot of territory. Linking Words
, people can end up in a dispute and would lead to a bad experience for the individual of the other state. Linking Words
For example
, the word Goodbye signifies in the positive and the negative way in India and China respectively. If an Indian citizen uses the same word in China, it can result in a negative way.
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, a character would face trouble in socializing with the local community, as there can be a possibility that they can be neglected, due to their poor language skills and it can Linking Words
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lead Linking Words
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leads to the individual going into isolation. Due to Linking Words
, it would lead to frustration and disappointment in their activity, which can affect them psychologically. Linking Words
, it would have a disastrous impact on the quality of growth and they can make a decision to depart from the provincial. Linking Words
For instance
, in France, the locals do not prefer to mix with the individual, unless they are good at french. Because of Linking Words
, a woman, who comes with the hope of spending a high standard of living without the proper local language feels desolated and sometimes they leave the home.
In conclusion, there are numerous difficulties, Linking Words
as, incorrect understanding and poor public soul, if humans do not learn the dialect of a particular province. Given the situation, I strongly agree that a character should give prime importance to learn the mother tongue of each agrarian, wherever they live.Linking Words