These days, It is often debated whether wealth can bring happiness in your life. Some people believe that to be happy one needs to have a huge amount of currency, but I I believe that prosperity is a state of mind and is
tied to the well being of the people we love. In Linking Words
essay, I will discuss the importance of well-being
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of all, A rich individual who has salary can buy all the materialistic things and may seem to be happy, but it does not imply that a poor guy is not happy. A human who is always busy earning wages and travelling for business hardly gets time to spend with his family; Linking Words
as a result
neither he nor his family is happy. Linking Words
For Example
a poor farmer is happy with less monetary because he spends time and enjoys meals with his children. Linking Words
In addition
If a man who lives with their parents and has friends will be able to cope up with bad time quickly
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On the other hand
, there is a common belief that the fund could be useful to purchase the required things, Linking Words
, one cannot buy delight Linking Words
For instance
the joy in the eyes of a mother when she gives birth to a baby cannot be bought with cash. Linking Words
, it is clear that one cannot relate pleasure with wealth. Currency can buy a luxurious house, but cannot guarantee joy. Laughter comes from a satisfied soul and sound body while capital can only ensure the materialistic joys."
In Conclusion, Linking Words
it is a common thought that note is required to fulfil our basic needs like shelter, food, clothing, etc. But it is not the utmost factor which can constitute glee. I believe that wealth is certainly an important factor but not a sole factor to achieve blissLinking Words