It is thought that museums are advised to be a source of entertainment. Some people state that these places should be provided as an
system. I think the question is not which one is Suggestion
better but
how to combine those things to make the most of it.
On the one hand, it is certainly true that most people come to Accept comma addition
better, but
sites and art galleries to enhance their mental and emotional health. Suggestion
In other words
, these places are Linking Words
a peaceful environment where visitors choose to spend their valuable time with their families or friends. Linking Words
, to meet the requirement of target customers, museums need to be equipped with interesting objects and designed to be more spectacular to bring happiness to their visitors. Linking Words
For example
, some museums created several interactive activities or games for children and Linking Words
leading to better enjoyment for youngsters. It would be Linking Words
boring destinations if artworks have no desire to make their tourist satisfied.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, museums should Linking Words
be played as an educational institution. The ultimate purposes of any exhibitions are educating and raising people’s awareness about history since these places were established to celebrate human’s wonderful discoveries and achievements. Ho Chi Minh museum, Linking Words
for instance
, which is one of the most attractions for foreign tourists. Linking Words
place not only emphasizes teaching the public as to how challenging and difficult it was for Uncle Ho to make considerable contributions to his Linking Words
country Vietnam but
Accept comma addition
country in Vietnam, but
country in Vietnam but
tourists should be proud of what they have regardless of how rich or poor they are. To undertake those values, it employs professional guides to talk to its visitors or even giving some essential documents to them.
In conclusion, I strongly believe that museums play an indispensable role in people’s lives. And it would be better for those places Linking Words
to serve
as educational and entertaining organizations.Suggestion