You recently bought some train tickets for a journey a week in advance. When you went to the station to catch the train, you were told you could not use the tickets and the staff were very unhelpful to you. Write a letter to the train company. In your letter - describe the problem you had with the tickets - say why were unhappy with the staff - suggest what action the train company should take

Dear Sir or Madam, I am writing to inform you of the inconvenience that happened to me at the Big Bang train station. I bought my
from your website
week before my journey. On April 15th when I got to the gate in order to print my
, I was told my
was cancelled
due to
a system error and I was not informed. I had an important meeting to attend, and there was not any free seat on the next train.
, I would like to express my dissatisfaction with the way I was treated by a member of your staff. He was in charge of the station customer service, but when I explained to him my problem and the urgent situation, he just told me he could not help me out in an impolite way. I was so desperate until a passenger who heard us helped me to buy another
from a travel agency and I managed to get to my meeting on time. To prevent these kinds of system errors, I would like to suggest sending a
confirmation via email or text messages that passengers are not obliged to print the
at the station. Another solution would be to hire a team to inform passengers in case of cancellation. I hope you will address these concerns as soon as possible. Yours Faithfully, Negar Sedigh
Submitted by Negar_seddigh on

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task achievement
Your letter covers all the points mentioned in the task, but providing a few more specific details (such as the name of the staff member or the exact time) could make it even more compelling.
coherence cohesion
Your ideas are generally well organized and flow logically. However, using more transitional phrases could further enhance the coherence of your writing.
task achievement
You addressed all parts of the task clearly and effectively.
task achievement
The letter uses a polite and formal tone appropriate for a complaint letter.
coherence cohesion
The structure is logical and easy to follow, with distinct paragraphs for each point.
coherence cohesion
The greeting and closing are appropriate and well-executed.
coherence cohesion
Each paragraph contains a single main idea, contributing to the clarity of the letter.
Topic Vocabulary:
  • disappointed
  • inconvenience
  • frustrated
  • incompetent
  • unhelpful
  • inconsiderate
  • ruined
  • compensation
  • refund
  • apology
  • reimbursement
  • improvement
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