Online shopping is becoming more common these days. What effect would this have on the environment and the types of jobs required?

In recent day, information technology is rapidly developing, along with increasingly popular online purchase channels.
the convenience and other benefits, online shopping
affects the environment and job requirements.
essay will discuss and explain
issue. Fist of all, the convenient and popular online shopping make the quantity of goods consumed
rose rapidly. And environment is affected seriously because of rubbish, which is discharged from the production process, transportation and consumption. In order to make a product, it takes a lot of material and energy as well as creating a huge amount of waste
as emissions, wastewater, trash and so on. In fact, many areas close to industrial zones have been polluted. In Vietnam,
for example
, a part of the South China Sea became a dead sea because no species of plants or animals could survive due to untreated sewage from a factory called Formosa.
, almost shops and stores have to pack too carefully to ship to consumers, and they usually use plastic, which takes approximately 450 years to decompose.
, online shopping trends
change the types of jobs required,
as personal elements, skills and so on. Because online salesman does not need to meet face-to-face with customers, so the appearance requirements are reduced, becoming no longer vital. Indeed, recruitment criteria for direct sellers usually have good appearances and height standards, but in indirect sales announcements, it requires an easy-listening voice.
, information technology skill is not deficient because employees have to work on e-commerce channels and internal system. Even, they should know about digital marketing to promote products and attract buyers. In conclusion, online shopping is an integral part of people today, but it affects deeply the environment and changes the job requirements.
, people need to find ways to reduce pollution as well as adapt to new types of jobs required.
Submitted by bulahu.nguquytieu on

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