noticeable watching television affect children's
behavior whetherAccept comma addition
behaviour, whether
behaviour whether
related to the program and length of
or not, some people argue that only watching
can change children’s
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
not related to
program and the amount of
children spend on watching
, I believe that length of
has a more significant influence on
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
of children.
On the one hand, watching
for a long
and when children become over-reliant on television for entertainment have a negative impact on children’
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
lies in a fact that brings
addiction for children
resulting in the physical problem for youngsters.
, children fall into the habit sedentary lifestyle
a highly detrimental effect on physical health.
, decrease outdoors and physical activities for youngsters, the more significant issue of excessive watching
impairs social communication abilities of children;
, they reluctant to be in relation with others in their real life, so children find it hard to play and live with others.
, watching
in a long
can change the normal behaviour of children and that a have a destructive influence on them.
, without regard to the length of
that youngster consume to watching
that have evil impact on them, watching movies and images on television can have a bad effect of children’s
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
. Some countries
shows glamourized depictions of inappropriate products and
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
as drug addict and violence;
, it may adopt unhealthy habits.
, youngster by watching violence movies encourage them to have a harsh
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
and children persuade to drink alcohol and use drug is fashionable, without being aware to health risk.
In conclusion,
both factors play a vital role to have an effect on children's
behaviormanner of acting or controlling yourself
, but I personally believe watching
particularly in a long
have a most considerable impact on them.
, supervision of parents can avoid youngsters from damage of watching
in their individual and social life