It is true that wealthy nations are becoming even more prosperous, meanwhile the income of less fortunate countries is decreasing. In
essay, I consider the causes of Linking Words
trend and what can be done by the governments of the poorest countries in order to improve the economic situation in their countries.
The main reason of global wealth inequality is corruption in the most disadvantaged nations, which is a direct impact on the level of citizen’s lives. Corrupted authorities as a rule make decisions based on their own benefits rather than taking well-balanced and thoughtful resolutions in favour of a country. Linking Words
For instance
, it is known that many rules in Africa own enormous finances, while population lives below the line of poverty without dissent health care system and education. Linking Words
In addition
, the richest societies invest money in high technologies and science. The great example of it is so called “Asian tigers” – Asian countries, which had invested a great deal of money into technologies Linking Words
as electronics and robotics. Linking Words
, their economies were growing rapidly and they had shown a great result.
Linking Words
, some measures can be taken to improve the economic situation in other parts of the world as well. Linking Words
, the laws against venal practices should be reinforced and implied, it would help to allocate finances received in taxes to the important social and economical issues, solving of those will bring more wealth for a society in a long term. Linking Words
In addition
, the government needs to implement policies that would help them accumulate the capabilities needed to manufacture and export more sophisticated products. Linking Words
For instance
, it could specialize in producing Linking Words
products as sun-butteries or other electronics and create a significant outcome from it.
In conclusion, there are certain circumstances that are lying behind the tendency of rich countries to gain more wealth, while poor nations loose it. One of the ways to tackle the issue for less advantaged is stricter laws against corruption and focus on technologies rather that receiving benefits from importing of raw materials Linking Words
as oil, gas or metals.Linking Words