Some people believe that it is good to share as much information as possible in scientific research, business and the academic world. Others believe that some information is too important or too valuable to be shared freely. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

modernized world, many people certainly want to acquire the latest
. Some people perceive that an individual has to share their enlightenment about any research or academic work.
, others think that few facts which are crucial as delivered free. The essay will discuss my stance with arguments in below paragraphs.
To begin
with, the predominant reason to share the facts about the study is that people can acquire more
in a particular field. As
will help them to grow their knowledge. Even they can
explore it as per their interest during their vacant hours.
, providing
to others
helps to the originator as they review their work.
will sharpen their skills, others can understand concepts as the person describes it if having any query regarding that.
For example
, most of the scientist will publish their research which helps to the students and they get the feedback from them which used by the researcher to explore the concepts.
On the other hand
, others think that there are few data that must be delivered free as containing the sensitive
. The
reason is that they want to deliver the message to the mass media. To make possible
they apply the technique as having a low tariff; the people will listen an
, another reason is that the laymen will try to upgrade their skills which helps in the future growth.
, if they provide it in a free of cost
many people will start to get it.
For instance
, to create awareness regarding healthy lifestyle the authority should deliver their thoughts by publishing free advertisement. In conclusion, sharing of knowledge would help to explore their abilities and the mankind will get the latest
. Even if some crucial data will be published freely,
it will reach to many people.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • information sharing
  • scientific research
  • business
  • academic world
  • advancement of knowledge
  • progress
  • collaboration
  • cross-disciplinary research
  • open access
  • democratization of information
  • transparency
  • credibility
  • intellectual property
  • security concerns
  • commercial interests
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