Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programme (for example working for a charity, improving the neighbourhood or teaching sports to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is indeed true that the
needs the voluntary services of its citizens. Many intellectuals perceive that the voluntary services should be mandatory for the undergraduates. If I asked, I strongly agree with the above notion and my supporting arguments are discussed
To begin
with, the predominant benefit of the unpaid services to an individual. During graduation, the students can enhance their practical skills
as communication and time management; through their voluntary
at different places.
For instance
, the volunteers at an old age literacy
would not only provide the satisfaction of their
, but
enhance their teaching skills.
, the many moral values could be inculcated to the students by indulging them into the charity programs.
, the mandatory voluntary
in academic curriculum will introduce many lessons, which are not possible to teach at the educational institutes.
, the initiative of the unpaid services will support the weaker sections of the
. If the scholars integrate their energies and knowledge for the betterment of the community, the social and economic imbalance could be mitigated at some extent.
For example
, the unpaid coaching at the sports centres by the volunteer will spread awareness of being fit and healthy for the adolescents.
As a result
, the new generations of the
will be healthy and full of beans.
, the educational institutes provide an opportunity for their students to serve the
. In conclusion, the voluntary services are the essential part of the civilized
. I believe that the compulsion of
unpaid services will be a positive initiative for a volunteer as well as a
overall. The regime should encourage
practices of the Universities for the development of the domestic region.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • altruism
  • social responsibility
  • cultivate
  • mandatory
  • detract
  • academic pursuits
  • forced labor
  • ineffective efforts
  • voluntary participation
  • autonomy
  • impactful engagement
  • bridge social divides
  • fostering understanding
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