Being a celebrity – such as a famous film star or sports personality brings problems as well as benefits. Do you think that being a celebrity brings more benefits or more problems?

It is indeed true that the celebrities of cinema and sports fraternities are the role models of the youth. These public figures do have innumerable merits, along with some hurdles. If I asked, I believe that the celebs have manifold advantages
the troubles; my supporting arguments are discussed
To begin
with, the positive side of being the celebrity is that, they are paid heavenly for their extraordinary talents.
, many people follow them on social media and make them feel special.
, many actors and sports personalities are offered the TV commercials to earn heavily. Especially, luxurious brands do have celebs as their ambassadors.
For instance
, in modern cricket, the players are promoting many things on their attires and influences their fans.
, the celebs are enjoying the lavish lifestyle; which a layman cannot imagine in his dream.
As a result
, being a celebrity will bring the fortune and public attention to live a dream lifestyle.
attention driving
Accept comma addition
attention, driving
life brings many hurdles.
, the celebs have very short professional careers, their performances make them successful.
, constant work demanding career brings lots of stress
their personal and professional life.
For example
, the film stars in their career downfall, could not earn money as well as
the attention
of the people.
, they are suffering from depression in their later life and might commit suicide in the worst scenario.
, the
the time that has elapsed
lifestyle of the public figures has many hurdles. In conclusion, the celebrities are enjoying their success based on their skills and talents. In my opinion, these extraordinary persons do have manifold lucrative sides than the few troubles.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • Public scrutiny
  • Intrusive
  • Endorsements
  • Sponsorships
  • Financial security
  • High-profile collaborations
  • Social influence
  • Philanthropic efforts
  • Trust issues
  • Mental health challenges
  • Substance abuse
  • Pressures of celebrity
  • Expectations
  • Disconnect from reality
  • Normalcy
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