Some people think that the government is wasting money on the arts and that this money can be better spent elsewhere. To what extent do you agree with this view?

It is a common belief that the governments are acting a financial resource on the arts,
however another
Accept comma addition
however, another
belief supports the arts should not be preliminary. I firmly disagree, and
I will elaborate how to change, the arts to the society in these below paragraphs. In the modern life, the governments and authorities give some special revenue to open an art gallery for the artists.
, they encourage open some art schools, theatre, or university lessons related to contemporary arts. To believe them, it is the
reason of developing consciousness and responsibilities for the community.
That is
to say, for an instance, when a person's interest in any kinds of arts, he or she would be changed to be a better citizen. Due to reflect his or her thought, emotions on a paper or a video type, he or she will have been relaxed, tolerant, free.
On the other hand
, economic issues are getting worse all around the world. The governments have initiated any new taxes or other measures have come.
, many people who suffer with underpay comprehend that the arts money can be replaced to the citizens' bills or other expenses.
, it is not a solution, whether the arts do not have any money or have more ever before.
On the contrary
, the artists usually worry about people's problems in order to alleviate them. They give to courage to the communities to be staying strong when they face with some difficulties.
For example
, in 2019, a novel type corona virus outbreak is spreading all around the world. To motivate or being healthy in lockdown, many singers play their hopefully songs on their balcony or online to connect miserable ones. They are trying to keep staying mental health of the public to declare with a song or even a joyful note which announced with a social media account. In conclusion, every civilized society has a debt to the artists because of they change to the world and individuals as a better place, and a well-being. The arts have spiritual effects to heal everything, just like today's lockdown situation has solved with them.

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • enriching society
  • promoting cultural understanding
  • development of talent
  • creative industries
  • economic benefits
  • generate revenue
  • cultural heritage
  • identity
  • prioritize spending
  • needs of the majority
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