People now have the freedom to work and live anywhere in the world due to the development of communication technology and transportation. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

Advancement in telecommunication and travelling means have allowed individuals to
flexibly and anywhere around the world.
essay will argue that the advantages of
outweigh the disadvantages.
essay will
demonstrate how technology is helping people to perform their
duties more efficiently and effectively, followed by a brief discussion on how these technological strides are impacting our lives outside of
To begin
with, over the past decade, the internet has improved by leaps and bounds. These developments have
provided people with an added flexibility in terms of planning and performing their tasks more efficiently and effectively.
For instance
, VPN technology allows people to carry out essential assignments from remote locations
as their homes.
is beneficial in cases where an employee cannot make it to the official premises due to any unforeseen circumstances and can yet remain operational.
, via email access on handheld devices, employees can ensure that all urgent matters are being looked after and that no important inquiry gets missed even after office hours.
On the contrary
, the primary drawback of
developments is that our lives are now becoming more and more mechanical. Though access to modern technology has made our
life more convenient, at the same time its negative effects are creeping in on our personal lives.
For instance
, recent studies have shown that people you have access to emails on their mobile phones tend to
for longer durations even after office hours,
impeding their essential family time. To conclude, betterment in the methods that we utilize to communicate has improved drastically.
has resulted in significant benefits for the people by allowing them to
more efficiently and certainly outweighs the potential drawback of imbalance in personal life.
Submitted by anas19911991199119911991 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • communication technology
  • transportation
  • advantages
  • disadvantages
  • freedom
  • work and live
  • development
  • increased job opportunities
  • flexibility
  • work-life balance
  • cultural exposure
  • diversity
  • economic growth
  • globalization
  • social isolation
  • loneliness
  • loss of community
  • sense of belonging
  • expensive cost of living
  • housing
  • strain on infrastructure
  • resources
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