International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

has become a trend and every year many tourists visit international spots to spend their quality time and relax from work. Many tourist places have great benefits from these travellers and it helps to boost the economy of that nation.
, there are some negative impacts on our society and environment due to
. Personally, I believe that there are more benefits to the drawback of
. On the one hand, those who believe that
creates problems for the local citizens and on nature, they might say it is because of these travellers. Many international people holiday our place may not be aware of our
and even system and due to
, they create a mess which causes damage to the habitat.
For example
, those who come from countries where people are free to have alcohol and tobacco kind of stuff may throw their drink cans, cigar buds and other garbage in an inappropriate place which can form problems in our climate.
, some governments allow beverages, bars and clubs in the city which might be close to a school or college. These develop bad impressions on adolescents and they might be attracted by these kinds of bad habits at a young age.
On the other hand
, I would argue that there are more benefits to the
industry for us and the nation. If we have more tourist from overseas to visit our places, our hotels, bars, clubs and other attractive places will earn money from them and overall it helps to grow the economy of the country.
For instance
, Thailand's main source of income is a
country earn almost 3 % of its GDP from
only as per the sources.
, tourist help to expand our
and custom to either country. To illustrate, those travellers who visit our cultural places and buy some souvenirs for memory,
take some pictures of the some monuments which help other countries to understand the importance of our
. In conclusion, I think the advantages of
tourism which
Accept comma addition
tourism, which
can be vital for the growth of our economic system and spreading of our
and customers outweighs the disadvantages of the negative impact on local inhabitants and surroundings.
Submitted by pradipk.makwana on

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