IELTS Writing Samples by topic

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The travel industry has experienced a major boom over the past 10 years due to globalization and better living standards for people around the world. As a result, the most visited countries take economic advantages and
The long-standing debate about the impacts of international tourism is a complex topic regarding its impact on the economy and environment. I do agree the social and economic benefits but also minimizing the exploitation
In the recent years, international tourism has played an important part in the economical development of many regions, leading to the improvement in lifestyle and infrastructure of such places. On the other hand, many wo
It is true that the global tourism industry can have both positive and negative impacts on people and places. However, I would argue that the positives far outweigh the negatives.
International tourism is where tourists around the world gather for vacation. In many places, international tourism brings tremendous benefits, but there are concerns about whether it affects local inhabitants and the en
There are different views on the impact of international tourism. While some people believe it will harm indigenous people and their environment due to the disrespectful and reckless behaviours, I still think the benefit
In today's globalisation era, it becomes easier to go to foreign country as a tourist. It also earn some gigantic benefits for the tourist destinations. There is still some ongoing debate whether it may damage for the lo
It is widely known that international tourism can potentially deliver immense benefits, while concurrently it also can expose locals and surrounding environments to the harmful effects. Even though the live quality of lo
Many people love to travel outside their countries to explore and learn about new places. Overseas attractions have brought positive outcomes in many locations. On the other hand, issues arise about the impact it has on
In the modern era, more and more people are getting concerned about environmental crises. Even tourism is not an exception and there is a controversy about whether tourists benefit local societies or not. Despite causing
Cheap air travel, technological advancements, and globalization have opened doors for international tourism giving rise to both unprecedented advantages as well as disadvantages. This essay will discuss the benefits and
Due to globalisation, the global tourism industry has had many positive influences on many notions, but this has also come at a cost to their domestic individuals as well as the natural environment. This essay aims to in
While several international tourist locations have enormous development in infrastrecture and ecomomic, it is often argued that it is detrimental to the local inhabitants and environment. I believe that global tourism de
These days the key source of income in many countries is international tourism which has numerous advantages while it can influence negatively native residents and the environment. In my opinion, the pros of this trend a
With the thriving development of transportation, travelling around the world has become easy and tourism has turned out to be one of the biggest business in the globe. While some people worry about the negative effects t
Tourism plays a crucial role in the nation's economy and the infrasture development, as a result, over the last two or three decades, tourism sector has been improvised as compared to the past. However, the interntional
Whilst it is believed that globalization has provided dozens of new tourism-related opportunities for many countries around the world, implications such as mass immigration and pollution are causing a salient concern for
There is little doubt that global tourism brings merits to several places, although some proponents contend that its social and environmental impacts are concerning. This essay will delve into both perspectives. However,
There is little doubt that global tourism brings merits to several places, although some proponents contend that its social and environmental impacts are concerning. This essay will delve into both perspectives, whereas
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