Media reports are often accompanied by illustrations and according to some, these are far more impactful than written content.
, depending on the news, I consider both to be as equally effective as the other.
Linking Words
To begin
with, undoubtedly photographs can capture a reader’s interest instantly as opposed to texts where the person has to show a genuine interest to read. Linking Words
is particularly true in younger age groups who would pursue listening to a TV news broadcast if only an illustration is successful in grabbing their attention. Linking Words
, at times people do not understand the gravity of the matter until the pictures come into play as after all rising death tolls just seem to be numbered. To exemplify, the society started talking Covid-19 precautionary measures more seriously after the media published some of the heart wrenching photographs of hospitalized Covid affected patients and exhausted doctors, for an effective passage of the message.
Linking Words
On the other hand
, texts have so much to convey regarding a story, that a mere picture cannot put forth; as the words have the power to awaken a reader’s imagination by an in depth description of events. Linking Words
For instance
, Martin Luther King Jr, declared Linking Words
a sensational speech ‘I have A Dream’, Linking Words
that is
till date remembered not only by the American people, but Linking Words
by the whole world, using only words to engage the audience’s attention; same goes for a well written column by a journalist. Linking Words
, Linking Words
a pictorial presentation might capture one’s thought at a glimpse, the reader can swiftly lose the interest and turn the page; Linking Words
presence of an intriguing written text would push the reader to read ahead. Linking Words
For example
, a picture of a man in spacesuit might mean nothing as compared to a text of ‘ Linking Words
American Man Has Made His voyage To Space’. Linking Words
, dependently, the words can speak louder than pictures.
In conclusion, Linking Words
the illustrations are quick to grab the reader’s mind, words can play an equal crucial role in highlighting serious matters. Linking Words
, in my opinion, neither surpasses one another; a newspaper or TV ought to include both approaches for effective broadcasting of news.Linking Words