It is known that a human's heart is getting a lot more stressful now.
essay explains the main cause of Linking Words
difficulties in people's growth is, automation and never ending hunger to earn wealth.
Linking Words
automation is one of the main components of people's life. Due to the frequent use of machinery Linking Words
as mobile, laptop, and others, people are getting tired and weak. Due to Linking Words
, they have stoped working out and their physical exercises have decreased to almost zero. Each and every one knows Linking Words
, Linking Words
Linking Words
however no
one is ready to leave these technologies. Accept comma addition
however, no
For example
, now-a-days children watch their phone while eating and while doing other things. We need to work collectively to solve Linking Words
problem, though it's tough. We can create time table and work Linking Words
, which separates the working hours and exercise hours clearly.
Everyone is running for the money. Peoples' activity gets difficult because they never get happy with what they earn. Linking Words
their earning is enough for them, they want to earn more. Linking Words
leads to and brings more stress in activity. Linking Words
For example
, If I buy a phone which has all the abilities up-to-date, but Linking Words
year, another phone gets launched with better facility and if, again, I want to buy it. Linking Words
I am never going to be happy. The only solution to Linking Words
is to get satisfied too with what we have and only earn the amount of money we need.
In conclusion, the main cause of stress and difficulty in people's activity is new and latest automation and the hunger to earn more money. We can get rid of Linking Words
problem by being satisfied with what we have and get only what we truly need.Linking Words