Success is often measured by wealth and material belonging. Do you think wealth is the best measure of success? What makes a successful person?

There is a tendency that wealth and material things measure of prosperity.
essay will provide my view does achievement is measured by well-being and to what do individuals owe their success with reasonable examples.
of all, probably gain of the somebody depends on how much he is satisfied and could he realize his goals. I suppose that everyone tries to get a higher education degree, wants to be employed for the job they dreamed
wants to have a marvellous mansion, a luxury car and the latest trends, and I believe that the person who could accomplish the aims that he set is very successful.
, not just the abundance is measure of luck, but the state of fulfilled and satisfaction are vital as well.
, each individual has his own dreams, goals and material belongings or the state of health which can provide them a sense of fulfilment.
For instance
, there was a survey that was conducted by Oxford University and according to the results, 60% of surveyors consider that successful man is the person who may let himself to achieve and do anything he prefer. From
illustration, it is clear, that wealth cannot be only
of realization. To regard with the
question, I think that the own efforts and desire to achieve something of the guy make him a lucky one. The main reason is that without any trees there should not be the prosperity and everyone has his own way with an abundance of troubles which he overcome with parents' support, friends, the tutors help and in some cases alone. People likely to be prosperous, they will not give up and go only forward. To illustrate the pioneer of the modern, fast food KFC network has not worked anywhere and had no finance before he established his
restaurant and based on his biography there is a fact that he could achieve his advance because of his personal force. To conclude, the success is measured by a variety of conditions and the wealth I suppose is one of them but not have a big impact. There are
a big amount of terms which make human successful and the main of them is personal endeavours of people.
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