Ensuring the children have regular physical exercise should be the responsibility of parents and therefore schools should not waste valuable school time having sports lessons as part of the curriculum. To what extent do you agree?

There is no doubt that physical exercise is necessary to maintain students' physical and mental health.
, there is often a debate about whether it should be the responsibility of parents or schools to ensure that the student is getting regular exercise.
essay will explain why I believe that it is important to add physical activity as a part of students' curriculum even though it is possible for parents to make sure that their children are getting adequate workout.
, one of the reasons why it is better for schools' to ensure kids are getting enough physical activity is that they have the money to build the infrastructure required.
is because building sports facilities require a lot of investment to acquire the land, and
, to maintain it, which is not possible for parents to do.
is possible for schools as they can utilize the fees for students to construct these facilities.
For example
, it is easier for an institution to buy acres of land from tuition, which can be used for many years.
, if the parents take responsibility,
they might have to enrol their kids into private facilities, which may be hard to find and might cost them a fortune.
, it is better to have physical activity sessions along with other subjects. The reason for
is that studies have proven that activities like sports help in refreshing the mind.
, these activities can
enhance their mental abilities
as retention power, which can ultimately lead to better academic performance. Alternatively, if there are no sessions for sports included between study sessions,
the kids might not get enough time to relax,
building stress on them and leading to degraded performance. In conclusion, while parents can make sure that their children are getting enough physical exercise, in my view, the benefits of better infrastructure and improved academic grades offered by schools make them the best choice.
Submitted by sai.sai26 on

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