Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a wast of money. Government must invest this money in public services instead. To what extend do you agree with this statement.

There are different arguments about the government investment in certain things,
as music and theatre. Some of them believe
is a waste of money.
, others believe that wealth should be provided in the public life. In my point of view, I totally agree that the investment in art is a useless category to invest.
of all, the expenditures on public services will provide more protection. The reason for
is that the services will be more developed in their technology and services.
For instance
, the health care in certain countries can become more significant.
way more and more hospital will make use of the latest devices that can determine a disease faster. All in all, it will give a lot of profit for the residents in the country. On the
hand, it will develop the educational process. The reason for
is that the latest published books and extra lectures will be provided to help the children having a better education.
For instance
, the evolution of the Smart Boards in 2006 gave a really positive change for the teachers.
, providing lessons was never that easy before the Smart Boards. So, that's why it is better to invest in the educational institutes. To conclude, it is considered by many that investing in art is a waste of money.
, some of them believe that it's more significant to spend wealth in the public services. In my opinion, I totally agree with
and believe that it can improve the health care and the education over the years.
Submitted by rehanauddin9 on

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