Nowadays, an increasing number of schools are reporting alarming rates of badly behaved students. Teachers are confronting more and more with children who talk out of turn, swear, scream or refuse to follow instructions.
essay is going to examine the causes of disruptive student Linking Words
and propose several solutions.
One of the main reasons students misbehave in the classroom is to get attention from their teachers or other classmates. These days, the vast majority of adults are working from dusk till dawn to make their ends meet and Use synonyms
as a result
they spend little Linking Words
with their loved children. A new research has shown that almost half of parents spend less than one hour a day with their kids, who in turn look for attention elsewhere, particularly in the classroom. To tackle Use synonyms
issue, parents should try to compensate for the small quantity of Linking Words
by spending more quality Use synonyms
with their offspring. Use synonyms
For example
, one afternoon at the cinema, one evening reading a story, another day having dinner together or even a meaningful conversation in the car while driving to the school. All these small things will create a special bond with their kids, Linking Words
having a significant impact on their Linking Words
at school.
Another cause of poor student Use synonyms
may be excessive media use and excessive exposure to digital technology. A growing number of body research shows that there is a link between screen Use synonyms
, attention difficulties and increased risk of disruptive Use synonyms
. Use synonyms
For instance
, numerous children bring their smartphones in the classroom and they send messages, chat on the social networks and even watch YouTube videos while attending to the lessons. One solution would be the schools’ administration to ban the use of technological devices, Linking Words
in particular
smartphones during lessons. Linking Words
, parents should monitor their children’s screen Linking Words
and allow access to appropriate content only. If these measures were to be acted upon, Use synonyms
the impact on children’s Linking Words
would not be as significant.
In conclusion, students misbehave at school due to reasons Use synonyms
as attention-seeking, excessive media use or excessive exposure to digital technology. Linking Words
is a serious problem, and unless Linking Words
and the schools’ administration will adopt specific measures, the education of children will suffer.Suggestion
the parents