Some people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this behavior? What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem?

With the advancement of
era, the people's necessities are increasing day-by-day.
, the chunk of the folks prefers to buy those things, which they even do not need or they might not afford them.
essay will discuss that how the interest in having new things and to remain the social position among the world,
are participating
is participating
in the terms to increase
essay will
explain that how the
should maintain the limits to set the equality among all.
To begin
with, in these days the interests of the people are changing everyday with the new advancements, and
could affect their thinking level about what do they exactly want or not?
, to display the wealth and status is becoming increasingly an important job among all the humans.
For example
, sometimes a person starts taking interest in that thing, which might not be in the budget of him/her, and just to satisfy the craving they are shopping, no matter that the product is worthy or not. The human is always trying to show off what he has, and it is called "to maintain social position" nowadays, and
brings them to buy unnecessary products. Apart from it, there is one solution for
problem. If the
will set any limits to buying anything for each and everyone,
it might bring an equality among everyone, and no one will think about the position.
For instance
, when the
will introduce a law for the shopping limits,
the people might not think about to pageant their wealth, and it will prove as a solution to decrease
complication of unnecessary shopping items. To conclude,
essay discussed why the people are taking interest to buy things, in which they do not need and they can not afford? The trend of social prominence and the show off are the main reasons behind it, but if the
will maintain the limits through set any law,
the issue might be decreased.
Submitted by rbhullar561 on

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