Some people think that the Internet has become one of the most common means of communication. Others believe that it has negative impacts on the society. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet.
There is no denying the fact that the Internet is being considered as one of the most pivotal means of communication.
, the boom of Linking Words
can Suggestion
the Internet
bring some risks for the contemporary society. One of the most obvious shortcomings is Linking Words
. Many cyber Suggestion
cyber bullying
crimes abuse
the explosion of the Internet to carry out their bullying acts. Most of Accept comma addition
crimes, abuse
Linking Words
acts are all of plural of "this"
done behind the screen of a phone or computerSuggestion
the time
Accept space
, it is really hard to trace each and every bully out there and stop them. According to a recent study, 37% of young people between the age of 12 and 17 in Linking Words
has been bullied online and 30% have had it happen more once. Another jeopardy of the Internet is Suggestion
the US
privacy issue
. So much is shared online these day that issue over privacy is becoming an increasingly big concern. These things Suggestion
a privacy issue
the privacy issue
as name, phone numberLinking Words
address which Accept space
are usually put
out online are at risk of being used by other people to make profit because little of privacy protection does social network provide. Take Suggestion
is usually put
Accept comma addition
Facebook, for
for example
. Not only does Facebook allow users to see what kind of things others put in their Linking Words
profiles but
it Accept comma addition
profiles, but
shares Linking Words
information with Linking Words
with an aim to make money. The ultimate downside is distorted news. It is undeniable that the Internet is permitting users to access huge storage of news. Suggestion
, many websites exploit the readers' belief to launch an avalanche of information whose validity is not verified which not only contributes to the confusion for Linking Words
but Suggestion
the community
diminishes the degree of authenticity of mass media. Take Covid19's pandemic Linking Words
for example
. To captivate the readers' attention, many people uploaded fake figures about the number of deaths due to Linking Words
Coronavirus which
negatively influenced on the mentality of humans. In conclusion, the Internet is given Accept comma addition
Coronavirus, which
huge drawbacks that it need to be taken into consideration carefully.Linking Words
Linh Chi
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Use cohesive linking words accurately and appropriately
Linking words are very important in your essay.
To score effectively on your IELTS exam, you should make an effort to implement short concise sentences coupled with linking words.
Almost every sentence in your essay should have a linking word of some sort.
In fact, the only sentences that can omit linking words are your background sentence and thesis.
Linking word examples:
- firstly
- secondly
- thirdly
- in additional
- moreover
- also
- for example
- for instance
- therefore
- however
- although
- even though
- despite