is a person who follows Suggestion
The paparazzi
celebrities' lives
and discloses some secret things to other people. They are only interested about their jobs and ignore about the privacy topic. As can be seen from many pictures, celebrities were taken without noticing the existing of paparazzi. Suggestion
the celebrities' lives
, it is an argument about Linking Words
job, whether they should follow celebrities or not.
Everyone has their rights to do anything they want without disturbing others. Celebrities are human-beings, they Linking Words
need the privacy as same as other people. Linking Words
, it is important to respect each other's life, even if they are famous people. Linking Words
For example
, some actors might want to have a normal life when they are taking holidays. Paparazzi should not use Linking Words
opportunity by ruining their vacations. At least, give them some spaces to be Linking Words
enjoyed and comfortable
when they are spending time with families.
comfortable and enjoyed
enjoyed and comfortably
On the other hand
, being in a part of entertainment industry, they have to know beforehand that their lives will be revealed to fan clubs or other people. Because a celebrity is known as the famous person which can attract people's interest in every aspect. Linking Words
, it is clear that a person who wants to become the celebrity need to scarify sacrifice his private life as a price of Linking Words
. To illustrate, fan club is the group of people Suggestion
the frame
that is
very keen on knowing about their idol love lives. Linking Words
, it is normal for the paparazzi to get Linking Words
To conclude, in my opinion, the paparazzi should respect celebrities' privacy as they have the rights to do anything without being noticed from people. Even though some people might say that it is a price of frame, they are still human-beings which are the same as ordinary people. It is true that people can know about their lives as they are famous, Linking Words
, we should give them some spaces so that they can live happily and Linking Words