Some people think that shops should not be allowed to sell food or drinks that are scientifically proven to be bad for people's health. Do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, people are consuming more junk food than before. Indeed, fast meals can be found almost everywhere.
, some people believe that the unhealthy fare should not be sold in shops. In my opinion, I agree that harmful feed must not be offered to customers.
of all, the prevention of unhealthy meals will improve peoples' general health. Without bad meat, humans will face fewer medical problems.
For example
, in the United States of America, around 66 % of the patients suffer from the bad feed.
In addition
, according to a recent study, three out of five major medical issues in Canada are results of consuming fast food.
, Problems
as high blood pressure and heart problems can be reduced by avoiding harmful meals.
, public awareness is going to reach a high level if the government does not allow shops to sell junk meat. Both producers and clients will feel the amount of harm
meat may cause.
, people become more aware of the quality of goods in different fields.
For instance
, the people in Japan concern about what to consume due to the early simple food instructions in Japanese schools.
, folks can be more aware if they are able to control their meals. To conclude, in spite of the taste, it is very significant for shops to stop providing meals and drinks that impact peoples' health badly.
will keep peoples' health in good condition in the
, public awareness is built among people by leading them to control their meals.
Submitted by MD Ako on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • scientifically proven
  • bad for people's health
  • shops
  • allowed
  • disagree
  • freedom
  • choices
  • consume
  • banning
  • products
  • focus
  • educating
  • regulations
  • guidelines
  • nutritional information
  • packaging
  • promote
  • balanced diet
  • encourage
  • healthier choices
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