Many people prefer to spend money and not save it. What are the reasons is it possitive or negative development?

Nowadays, people always struggle with how to manage their salary. It is believed that man would rather spend their wage than save it for rainy days.A plethora of people are opting to spend their cash than saving it.
essay discusses for
explains why
is a negative development The primary reason that people cannot be able to save payment is, their shopping addiction. Due to the development of technology, people can buy anything they want at any time, just at the button, from the comfort of their home.
In particular
is a serious problem among young generation.
For instance
, a friend of mine, Jane, who used to be
accountant, spent most of her income, buying trendy clothes and shoes and even became an overdue borrower
year. An example, like
clearly shows how shopping addiction has an awful influence on a person’s spending habit.
, changes of style lead to a negative outcome. In the past, the average period, which took people to buy their
home was 7 years, but it now takes more than 14 years after graduating from university. With
kind of negative habits mentioned above, people cannot even have a 20% deposit in order to get pre- approval for a
home from a bank.
In other words
, those who are not good at saving would suffer the poverty or become a homeless later in life. In conclusion, a lot of people do not save salary and
they prefer spending an enormous cash on online shopping. I believe
is a negative trend and cause financial crisis in the near future.
Submitted by Thanh Huong on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • instant gratification
  • consumer culture
  • financial literacy
  • economic optimism
  • financial instability
  • indebtedness
  • stimulating economic growth
  • personal satisfaction
  • innovation
  • job creation
  • investment
  • wealth accumulation
  • advertising
  • social media
  • luxury lifestyles
  • financial planning
  • future security
  • emergencies
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