International tourism has brought enormous benefits to many places. At the same time, there is concern about its impact on local inhabitants and the environment. Do the disadvantages of international tourism outweigh the advantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Since the international
begun the benefits that it has brought to many places came
, with some concerns about the impact to the
and for the population. Overall, I agree with the statement that the disadvantages which came with all
outweigh the advantages.
Firstly one
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Firstly, one
of the disadvantages that came with international
is related to the
problems with came together. Tourists do not care about the place that they are visiting, and they normally leave their rubbish everywhere that they go.
, the pollution that all those rubbish makes is terrible for the
For example
, the excess of rubbish causes overflows in the streets by the blockage of pipes. These results in more traffic, and the nature, not being preserved.
the cons are not just related to the
environment but
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environment, but
for the population. Tourists share the same public transport, supermarkets, streets than the local inhabitants making everywhere crowded. The local public is busy and trying to work when the tourists are just relaxed and doing everything from their time, which makes everything difficult for workers.
For instance
, during the rush hours the working population just want to go home and the tourists are overcrowding the public transport. In conclusion, I completely agree with the topic and the cons about the international
outweigh the pros. It is really important to look after our habitat and the local people has to be happy. International
has to be regulated for
to happen.
Submitted by Pryscilla on

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