For a long time art has been considered an essential part of all cultures in the world. However, nowadays people’s values have changed, and we tend to consider science, technology and business more important than arts. What do you think are the causes of this? What can be done to draw people’s attention to art?

Art has been regarded as a vital part of the civilization for a long time.
, these days, science, technology and business sectors have taken its place due to change in our utilities.
essay shall explore the reasons behind
trend and propose measures to divert the attention towards art. One of the major causes of
distance from traditional arts is that nowadays requirements of individuals have been changed; they need more comfort in their lives.
thing cannot not be achieved by excelling in art and craft, but by the technological advancements
as automated cars and faster computers.
, the demand of latest medical facilities has
shifted our focus towards the research and development.
For instance
, the recent Coronavirus pandemic has proved to the whole world that how much we are in the dire need of novel vaccines and drugs. Despite the widely grown attention towards the sciences and business sector, we cannot deny the importance of art as it connects us with our roots, and a lot can be done to acknowledge it again.
of all, people should get the chance to know about their civilization and
can be done by the government's initiatives
as increasing the expenditure on artistic fields, allowing citizens to visit the museums and galleries free of cost.
, children should be encouraged to study disciplines like music and paintings in schools and
, they should be taken for the museum visits so that they would get to know about their heritages and traditional values. In conclusion,
we cannot ignore the importance of scientific and professional disciplines, we should not forget our culture in
race of life.
, government and citizens should jointly contribute to reverse
trend by considering the measures proposed above.
Submitted by ashi.rajput39 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
  • evolve
  • technological advancements
  • overshadowing
  • financial pressures
  • practical careers
  • digital entertainment
  • accessible
  • integrated
  • curricula
  • fostering
  • emotional intelligence
  • public art projects
  • engage
  • interactive
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