The matter of capital forfeiture is a serious concern among different schools of thought. Some argue that giving capital retribution will increase the rate of evil while others are of the opinion that capital trial will restrain the criminals for committing crimes in the future. Both views have their own merits and demerits. I believe in sanction and reward system that establishes the rule of law in the country.
Some people suggest that giving capital discipline will remove fear from criminals' hearts. Once they are kept behind the bars, they mingle with the people of heinous crimes.
InsteadLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
of becoming ashamed, they rather become dangerously bold and once they come out, they become the mastermind of even bigger crimes. These people are secular and don't believe in wrong doings.
AdditionallyLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
, opponents of capital punishment, suppose that sometimes innocent people are put behind bars and ruthless investigation affects their mental and physical health. They believe in the psychoanalysis of the criminals in order to lead them towards the right path.
Most people favour giving capital forfeiture to those who cause severe harm to society. Their approach is to maintain a rule of law which is only possible to give beating to case and reward to the virtuous. They give an example of a jungle which is a place without rules and regulation and there is considered might is right. A criminal-minded should be punished to avoid other citizens from his negativity. If there is no fear of penalty, strong will grow stronger and weak will become weaker.
FurthermoreLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
, I believe all criminals must not be dealt with the same yardstick.
All wrongdoers are not alike. Some of them will be resilient not to commit a violation in the future as they are guilty and out of sheer frustration, they have committed an infraction.
SuchLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
people are not awfully dangerous and can be fined or given a penalty.
HoweverLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
, despicable should be given not only severe sanction, but
alsoLinking Words
Usage of linking words is important in IELTS writing. They help create clear connections between ideas in your writing. They improve the flow of your essay by showing relationships between paragraphs and sentences. Using appropriate linking words demonstrates your ability to write cohesively and will help you achieve a higher band score.
given psychological treatment so that they can be better citizens in the future.