Mainly, parents wanted to make their children competitive than others. But, some were making their children cooperative in order to make better adults in
Use synonyms
. Suggestion
the future
essay will show both side views.
Examine the former view, the foremost argument put forward by the proponents is that their children should be better in competition than another, it will affect their skills. Being a competitive can push the our inner achiever up. Linking Words
For Example
, to achieve any higher post or goal, you have to compete with others. Linking Words
, by Linking Words
, the goals can be achieved effortlessly. Linking Words
, all the fields contain many candidates, so the parents are teaching to be a competitor.
Linking Words
On the contrary
, those who favour the latter viewpoint have their own arguments. Linking Words
To begin
with, they claim that The children should be more cooperative than competitive, because being cooperative, it will more useful in the Linking Words
of adult life. Use synonyms
skill can change the thinking of the child in their adulthood. Linking Words
For instance
, many consequences occur in everybody's lives, so being a helpful to others can be beneficial to us in Linking Words
Use synonyms
or any day.
In conclusion and In my opinion, I would support the Suggestion
the future
view. Linking Words
Linking Words
is because being a helpful person makes the benefit of both. And, Suggestion
will affect your life in the Linking Words
and mainly in the adulthood.Use synonyms
divyesh bhavsar