Some people believe that it is the responsibility of individuals to take care of their own health and diet. Others however believe that governments should make sure that their citizens have a healthy diet. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Over consumption of junk foods, has deteriorated the health of citizens of several nations. In the viewpoint of some people, it is the state's duty to ensure that the population of the country is consuming a balanced diet, while others are of the view that, it is a person's responsibility to take care of it. I
, believe that only through the combined efforts of the government and the individuals,
problem can be resolved.
essay will analyse both sides of the argument and provide a logical conclusion. On one hand, it is appropriate to hold adults accountable for their own well-being, as they have free will and
, they choose what to eat and drink.
For instance
, if a man selects to eat burgers and fries every evening, the authorities cannot stop him from doing so.
, some of the grown ups decide to lead sedentary lives by not engaging themselves in any outdoor games or fitness activities, which leads to obesity and other related disorders
as diabetes and high blood pressure.
, parents prepare the meals for their kids, and
, they should ensure that the children are getting nutritionally rich food and are avoiding fast foods and beverages.
On the other hand
, today, people are working longer hours
conjunction used in comparatives
before, to maintain their jobs in
competitive era, which leaves them with little choice but to rely on processed and junk foods. Only the authorities, can regulate the ingredients of these eatables, which cause harm to the human body. To cite an example, the insoluble fats and carbohydrates in the canned foods can be banned by the nation.
, the state can arrange campaigns and broadcast telly ads in order to create awareness among the public, about the side effects of eating outside snacks like high blood sugar and cardiovascular diseases. To conclude, even though it is every person's responsibility to watch their diet, I think government has a role to play in it as well. Only when harmful ingredients in the ready to eat items are banned and the citizens feed on nutritious produce and perform exercises regularly, people's health can be improved.
Submitted by vishwashah6116 on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • health-conscious decisions
  • self-discipline
  • informed choices
  • personal accountability
  • regulating food industries
  • implementing policies
  • healthy eating
  • public health campaigns
  • subsidies for healthy food
  • enabling environment
  • accessible
  • affordable
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