It is true that fossil fuels,
as coal and oil are running out. Linking Words
As a result
, many governments have made enormous efforts to substitute traditional power sources to renewable ones, like solar and wind power. There are some benefits and drawbacks of the use of the new Linking Words
, which will be discussed in Use synonyms
Linking Words
To begin
with, alternative Linking Words
sources have one great advantage that conventional fuels will never achieve; they are sustainable and virtually limitless. Humans are being suffered from many environmental problems, and the most significant, life-threatening ones are air pollution and global warming. These are caused by CO2, the by-product of gas and petrol. Use synonyms
, new types of Linking Words
that are already being employed are from nature, so no harmful gases are released. Use synonyms
, as Linking Words
resources are derived from what is literally always there. Linking Words
, people do not need to worry about how long is left until they use up all of it.
Despite the beneficial factors of the new, green Linking Words
, we must not forget that there are still some flaws of it. The most negative aspect is the huge initial cost of installation and infrastructure. The society has been run based on fuels from fossils, so almost everything is designed for petrol-running systems. Use synonyms
For example
, if a governing body decides to replace gasoline-driven cars with electricity ones, Linking Words
they would have to invest billions of dollars to set up a large-scale electricity provision network and to build as many power points as traditional petrol stations. Linking Words
cannot be an easy decision for most authorities.
In conclusion, the development and employment of alternative clearly have advantages and disadvantages at the moment. Linking Words
, human societies will benefit from Linking Words
endeavour, so we must not stop conducting research into new sources of Linking Words
for the sake of our future.Use synonyms