Some people say it is important to keep you home and your workplace tidy, with everything organised and in correct place. What is your opinion about this?

People are of the opinion that, it is necessary to set up everything in a correct and a proper manner, including, both at home and at the office. In my opinion, keeping your surroundings clean, depicts
's personality and can increase efficiency at workplace. People these days, are more conscious about keeping their homes organized and tidy. Keeping
's living place clean, shows the positive aspects of
's character. Studies show that, if a person keeps his/her house in a proper way, it shows his/her manners in daily life routine.
, everything can be easily found, if placed in a suitable way. There is no need to spend an ample amount of
finding stuff used regularly.
For example
, if the kitchen accessories are placed in an order, it takes less
in cooking a meal. Despite, having no
to clean your workplace in a busy schedule,
, it is essential to make your workstations tidy. Keeping
's office clean can
's work efficiency. As all the things are put in an organised manner, it makes faster to look up for the important documents,
as, invoices and data sheets.
In addition
, as a person has to spend most of the
in office, cleanliness creates a positive impact and relaxes the mind. To sum up,
, it is sometimes difficult to keep things tidy, but it is really important to clean your surroundings, not only to boost your mental health but
to excel
the workplace. I, wholeheartedly agree, that people should put an effort to make everything around them properly prepared and arranged.
Submitted by Sohaib Khalid on

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Topic Vocabulary:
  • organised
  • clutter-free
  • productivity
  • mental clarity
  • efficiency
  • professionalism
  • first impressions
  • ergonomics
  • aesthetically pleasing
  • compulsive neatness
  • functional space
  • minimising distractions
  • systematic arrangement
  • time management
  • work-life balance
  • streamline
  • feng shui
  • optimal performance
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