Following the increases of single or living with only two generations, people have arguments of the advantages and disadvantages of both an extended family and a divergent family in the city. Some sets of people argue that live with grandparents will bring benefits,
, others think that single family or two generations, which are parents and children have as some merits.
In the
place, as far as the expense that stay in the urban is considered, the living cost has been alarmingly increased,
, married couples should work to earn more money. In
regard, living with grandparents will help to save the budgets in many ways,
, grandfather and grandmother who have a wide range of experience that raising children, they will, do not only help some chores,
as cleaning houses and washing dishes but help
taking care of babies.
, couples can save the cost for taking their children to day care centre and services that cleaning their rooms. It brings us naturally
reason is that young kids will be helped from their grandparents. More specifically, nowadays, many children are being raised an only child,
, there are not many ways to teach them some values, including, tolerance, or ethics, compared to a kid with many siblings in the past. At the same time, the older generations might play a crucial role in educating,
, teaching children traditional ethics and wisdom.
On the flip side, from the perspective of adults who work in a day time and desperately have some rest in the night, they might feel frustrated due to their families living together. Take an example, we are live in the society that emphasize the healing,
, if families stay together,
there is no place to rest or think alone. Another reason worth mentioning is that older parents do not want to leave their hometowns since they spend a whole lifetime. To explain in detail, if they live in the city, they will get a bunch of stress, compare to the hustle and bustle rural areas
, it is natural that live separately.
In conclusion,
there are some merits to stay single or living with their kids, staying with the older generations has more benefits than current divergent family formats, considering the living cost and educational advantages.
, the governments should give subsidies to the extended families and support them with laws that give some merits.